DOI: Kunci:
attitude, behavior, IVA participation testAbstrak
Background:Cervical cancer is by far one of the most common cancer among women. Currently, cervical cancer is listed in the first rank for developing countries due to limited access to screening and treatment, therefore many sufferers come with critical conditions and advanced disease. This study aimed to determine the relationship attitude, and behavior of childbearing women toward the IVA (Visual Inspection Acetate) screening at Kotabaru Village, Work area of Community Health Center Gondokusuman II Yogyakarta Methods: This was an analytical observational study with cross-sectional approach. Data were obtained using cluster sampling in which 15% out of a total population, 42 samples were included in this study. The Fisher exact analytical method was used as the alternative of Chi-squire technique Results: The study reported that the majority of participants had good attitude (78.6%), and 32 had not carried out the IVA tests (76,2%). From the analytical of knowledge, it showed that the P-value was 0.142 (ɑ>0.05), and 0.085 (ɑ>0.05) for attitude variable Conclusions: In conclusions, there was no relationship between attitude of childbearing women towards behavior of IVA test at Kotabaru Village Work area of Community Health Center Gondokusuman II Yogyakarta. It is expected that women in productive ages (30-49) in that village are able to maintain their reproductive health through IVA test routinely every year.
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